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YU-HSIN TSAI Professor
Title Professor
Ext. 51540
Classification Full-Time
Journal Papers
  • 蔡育新*;徐嘉信;林家靖, 2023.06, '「街區開放空間」之氣候變遷規劃綜效與共效益- 建物重建對主次要道路之驅動, ' 都市與計劃, pp.已接受.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*;徐嘉信;王絢;林家靖, 2021.03, '因應氣候變遷之都市街區規劃設計策略與永續「共效益」--建物重建階段, ' 都市與計劃, Vol.48, No.1, pp.27-49.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*;關仲芸;鍾佾芯, 2020.11, 'Spatial impacts of high-speed rail and station placement A short-term, multilevel empirical study, ' Journal of Transport and Land Use, Vol.13, No.1, pp.317-341.(SSCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
  • 黃書禮*;蔡育新;李盈潔;李叢禎;周素卿;林子倫;張昱諄;張學聖;葉佳宗;詹士樑, 2018.11, '接軌「都市化與環境變遷」國際研究—台灣研究議題, ' 台灣土地研究, Vol.21, No.2, pp.93-110.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*, 2015.10, 'Housing Demand Forces and Land Use towards Urban Compactness:, ' Urban Studies (社科院頂尖期刊), pp.2441–2457.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*, 2014.09, 'Location-Demand-Based Residential Floor Area Ratio Distribution Method, ' Urban Studies (社科院頂尖期刊), Vol.0, No.0, pp.0.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 蔡育新;王大立;劉小蘭, 2011, '土地混合使用對住宅價格的影響-解析混合使用、密度與可及性, ' 都市與計劃, Vol.38, No.2, pp.119-146.(TSSCI) Ref.
  • 劉小蘭*;許珮漩;蔡育新, 2010.04, '台灣都市蔓延之影響因素分析, ' 地理學報, Vol.58, pp.49-63.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 蔡育新*, 2009.12, 'Impacts of Self-Selection and Transit Proximity on Commute Mode Choice: Evidence from Taipei Rapid Transit System/The Annals of Regional Science, ' The Annals of Regional Science, Vol.43, No.4, pp.1073-1094.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 馮正民*;蔡育新;吳沛儒;李洋寧, 2009.09, '台灣國土空間結構方案之研擬與評估, ' 都市與計劃, Vol.36, No.3, pp.255-279.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 王大立*;劉曜華;蔡育新;邱景升, 2006.12, '融入性與國際村社區規劃:中部科學工業園區台中基地國際村社區規劃案例分析, ' 都市與計劃, Vol.3, No.4, pp.261-274.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 蔡育新*, 2005.12, 'Quantifying Urban Form: Compactness versus ‘Sprawl’, ' Urban Studies, Vol.42, No.1, pp.141-161.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Robert Cervero*;蔡育新, 2004.12, 'City CarShare in San Francisco, California: Second-Year Travel Demand and Car Ownership Impacts, ' Transportation Research Record, Vol.1887, pp.117-127.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • Robert Cervero*;蔡育新, 2003.12, 'Job Access and Reverse Commute Initiatives in California: A Review and Assessment, ' Transportation Research Record, Vol.1859, pp.79-86.(EI, SCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Conference Papers
  • 蔡育新*;李朝誌;黃榆心, 2019.07, 'Highways’ Role in Driving Urban Land Teleconnections: Experiences from Taipei-Yilan Highway, ' Association of European School of Planning 2019 Conference, Association of European School of Planning.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*;Jhog-Yun Guan;Yi-hsin Chung, 2017.01, 'Short-term Impacts of High-Speed Rail on Population and Employment Distribution, ' XII European Conference on Social and Behavioral Sciences, International Asso. of Social Science Research.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*, 2009.04, ' Impacts of Shrinking Household Size and Housing Supply in Central City on Urban “Sprawl”, ' The UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference.(The UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*;劉小蘭;王大立, 2008.07, 'Impact of Mixed Use on House Prices—Disentangling Accessibility, Density and Mixed Use., ' Association. of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*;賴彥伶;王大立, 2006.07, 'Mismatch Between Preferred and Actual Mixed-Use Neighborhood Types: Evidence from an Extremely Mixed-Use City - Taipei., ' The 2006 the joint AsRES - AREUEA International Conference..(*為通訊作者)
  • 王大立*;劉曜華;蔡育新, 2006.05, '台灣地區科學園區開發之區域發展檢討, ' 2006年海峽兩岸區域科學研討會.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*;林逸君;王大立, 2005.07, 'Impacts of Residential Self-Selection and Rapid Rail Transit Proximity on Commute Mode Choice: A Study of Taipei Rapid Transit System., ' The 2005 Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences..(*為通訊作者)
  • Robert Cervero*;蔡育新, 2004.01, 'City CarShare: Second-Year Travel Demand and Car Ownership Impacts, ' 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., USA..(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新, 2003.12, '以計量性指標描繪都會空間型態, ' 中華民國都市計畫學會聯合年會.
  • Robert Cervero;蔡育新, 2003.01, 'Job Access and Reverse Commute Initiatives in California: A Review and Assessment., ' 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., USA..
  • 吳綱立*;蔡育新, 2002, '大眾運輸導向發展理念整合於都市發展管理之研究, ' 中華民國運輸學會第17屆論文研討會.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新, 2001, 'Travel Efficient Urban Form: A Nationwide Study of Small Metropolitan Areas, ' Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, November 7-10, 2001. Cleveland, Ohio, USA..
  • 蔡育新, 1998, 'Overview of the University of Michigan’s Evaluation of the Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation’s ITS Operational Field Test., ' The Intelligent Transportation Society of America’s Eighth Annual Meeting and Exposition..
  • 蔡育新, 1998, 'Effects of Automated Scheduling and Dispatch Technology on Paratransit Schedule Adherence in Southeastern Michigan, ' Intelligent Transportation Society of America’s Eighth Annual Meeting and Exposition, Detroit, MI, USA,.
  • 蔡育新, 1998, 'An Evaluation of the SMART Paratransit Phone Reservation System., ' ITS AMERICA Eighth Annual Meeting and Exposition,.
  • 蔡育新, 1998, 'An Evaluation of the SMART Paratransit Phone Reservation System, ' ITS America Annual Meeting.
  • 蔡育新, 1998, 'Overview of Phase One of the University of Michigan’s Evaluation of Suburban Mobility Authority of Regional Transportation’s ITS Operational Field Test., ' ITS America Annual Meeting.
  • 蔡育新, 1997, 'Public Support for Transit in Auto Dependent Regions, ' Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference.
Book Chapters
  • 蔡育新*;Jhong-yun Guan;Yu-Hsin Huang, 2018.03, 'Do Degradation of Urban Greenery and Increasing Land Prices Often Come along with Urbanization?, ' Urban Agglomeration, IntechOpen Limited, pp.231-253.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*;Wu, M. T.;Huang, Y. W., 2015.09, 'Efficiency of Planning and Design Tools towards Eco-Friendly High-Density Community, ' Urban and Built Environments-Sustainable Development, Health Implications and Challenges, Nova Publisher, pp.107-158.(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡育新*, 2011.12, '交通網絡與新市鎮開發產出之新興商業模式, '.(*為通訊作者)
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