Journal Papers
- Hung-Hao Chang*;Tzu-Chin Lin, 2023.06, 'Solar Farm Policy and Farmland Price – A Land Zoning Perspective, ' Journal of Environmental Management, Vol.344, pp.118454.(SCI, SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2023.06, '臺灣農地價格的回顧, ' 土地問題研究季刊, Vol.22, No.2, pp.2-10.(*為通訊作者)
- 丁秀吟*;林子欽;吳文傑, 2023.06, '從使用價值之差別課稅觀點分析農地合理使用, ' 規劃學報, Vol.41, No.1, pp.19-34.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;朱永恩;吳文傑, 2021.12, '臺北市違章建築舉報及後續處理決策因素, ' 住宅學報, Vol.30, No.2, pp.47-66.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Brian Lee;Szu-Yung Wang;Tzu-Chin Lin;Hung-Hao Chang*, 2021.12, 'Underground Pipeline Explosions and Housing Prices: Quasi-experimental Evidence from an Urban City, ' Land Use Policy, Vol.111, pp.111-105782.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 丁秀吟*;林子欽;劉佳欣, 2021.12, '農地重劃減緩土地產權細碎化成效之評估, ' 應用經濟論叢, Vol.110, No.2, pp.131-162.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Tsai, Meng-Chin*;van Gasselt, Stephan;Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2021.12, 'Towards Sustainable Urban Car-parking Solutions: Exploring Effects of Parking Policies Using Spatial Regression Analysis, ' GI-forum: Journal for Geographic Information Science, Vol.9, No.2, pp.228-241.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;林士淵;周昱賢, 2021.03, '臺北市住宅興建決定因素:市場特性、開發政策與土地產權的整合觀點, ' 公共事務評論, Vol.19, No.2, pp.25-43.(*為通訊作者)
- Chang, Hung-Hao*;Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2020.12, 'Does A Farmland Zoning Program Impact Farm Income? Empirical Evidence from Farm Households in Taiwan, ' European Review of Agricultural Economics, pp.1621–1643.(SSCI, SCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Tzu-Chin Lin*;Fang-Hsin Huang;Siao-En Lin, 2018.11, 'Land Assembly for Urban Development in Taipei City with Particular Reference to Old Neighborhoods, ' Land Use Policy, Vol.78, pp.555-561.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;陳志豪, 2018.09, '瑕疵建物價值減損之估算-觀念與應用, ' 物業管理學報, Vol.9, No.2, pp.47-61.(*為通訊作者)
- Tzu-Chin Lin 林子欽*;Yun-Ting Cheng 鄭韻廷, 2016.12, 'The Missing Public Interest in Land: Auctions of Public Land in Taipei City, ' Issues & Studies: A Social Science Quarterly on China, Taiwan, and East Asian Affairs, Vol.52, No.4, pp.106-125.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
- Chang, Hung-Hao*;Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2016.04, 'Does the Minimum Lot Size Program Affect Farmland Values? Empirical Evidence Using Administrative Data and Regression Discontinuity in Taiwan, ' American Journal of Agricultural Economics (國科會經濟領域A級期刊), Vol.98, No.3, pp.785-801.(SSCI, SCI)(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;丁秀吟, 2015.09, '農地改革、產權界定和土地市場, ' 台灣社會研究季刊, No.100, pp.217-228.(THCI Core)(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2014.06, '由政府統計觀察台灣農地市場, ' 台灣環境與土地法學雜誌, Vol.2, No.2, pp.105-126.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;邱建頴, 2013.03, '污染土地再利用的幾個想法, ' 台灣環境與土地法學雜誌, Vol.1, No.5, pp.123-138.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Tzu-Chin Lin*;Hsiao-Yen Chang, 2012.03, 'How Do Appraisers Absorb Market Information in Property Valuation? Some Experimental Evidence, ' Property Management, Vol.30, No.2, pp.190-206.(Scopus)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽;李汪穎;陳國華, 2011.03, '公寓建物之折舊估算與房屋稅負, ' 都市與計劃, Vol.38, No.1, pp.31-46.(TSSCI) Ref.
- Tzu-Chin Lin*;Ying-Chih Liao, 2010.12, 'Further Empirical Examination of an Improved Sales Comparison Approach, ' Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research, Vol.7, No.2, pp.51-66.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*;柯光峻, 2010.05, '法拍屋拍定價格對於再轉售價格之定錨效果, ' 台灣土地研究, Vol.13, No.1, pp.53-68.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin*, 2010, 'Property Tax Inequity Resulting from Inaccurate Assessment- The Taiwan Experience, ' Land Use Policy, Vol.27, No.2, pp.511-517.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*;陳振惟, 2009.12, '受污染工業土地之風險、污名與價值:美國經驗的啟示, ' 住宅學報, Vol.18, No.2, pp.23-44.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin*;Jhen, Min-Hua, 2009, 'Inequity of Land Valuation in the Highly Developed City of Taipei, Taiwan, ' Land Use Policy,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
- Lin, Tzu-Chin*, 2009, 'The Protection of Property Rights through Compensation- Observations from Taiwan, ' Nordic Journal of Surveying and Real Estate Research,.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*;陳振惟, 2009, '國外污染土地估價之經驗與啟示, ' 環境工程會刊,.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*;林子雅, 2008.12, '公部門不動產估價成效評估-公平性之觀點, ' 住宅學報, pp.63-80.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin*;Chang, Kai-Po, 2008, 'Estimation of Building Depreciation in Taiwan- Its Implementation and Defect, ' The Valuation Journal,.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Tzu-Chin Lin*;Sen-Tyan Lin, 2006.09, 'Decision-Making of Property Owners and Tenants in the Face of Compulsory Purchase, ' Habitat International, Vol.30, No.3, pp.434-447.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*;張小燕, 2006, '不動產估價是專業嗎-美國經驗的反思, ' 土地問題研究季刊,.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*;林子雅;柯光峻, 2006, '美國印地安那州財產稅估價制度的轉變, ' 土地問題研究季刊,.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin*, 2005, 'Land Assembly in A Fragmented Land Market through Land Readjustment, ' Land Use Policy,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*;許明芳, 2004, '個別土地開發前的產權調整─市地重劃區個案觀察, ' 台灣土地研究,.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*;張正, 2004, '地主和承租人如何面對土地徵收的風險, ' 台灣土地研究,.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*, 2004, '土地市場研究的回顧與想法, ' 土地問題研究季刊,.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林韋宏*;彭建文;林子欽, 2003, '住宅屬性對空屋形成機率影響之研究-以台北市為例, ' 住宅學報,.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*, 2002, '土地使用規劃、政治經濟學與公共選擇, ' 土地問題研究季刊,.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*, 2001, '也論「土地徵收的經濟分析」, ' 人與地,.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin*;Evans, Alan W., 2000, 'The Relationship between the Price of Land and Size of Plot When Plots are Small, ' Land Economics,.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
Conference Papers
- 林子欽*;吳文傑, 2018.06, 'Tax Assessment of Unauthorized (Illegal) Building Works in Taipei City, Taiwan., ' European Real Estate Society, European Real Estate Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;黃方欣;林孝恩, 2017.09, 'Reconfiguration of Land Parcels for Urban Development in Taipei, ' European Network for Housing Research, European Network for Housing Research.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;黃方欣;林孝恩, 2017.07, 'Reconfiguration of Land Parcels for Urban Development in Taipei, ' The Asian Real Estate Society Annual Conference, The Asian Real Estate Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2017.07, '臺灣農地市場與農地政策, ' 2017海峽兩岸土地學術研討會, 中國土地學會.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2016, 'Land As an Origin of Wealth Inequality - Observations from Taipei City., ' Taiwanese-Austrian Symposium on Equality:Taiwan in Context., 政治大學.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;Lin, Siao-En, 2016, 'Factors that Determine the Site Size and Building Height for Residential Development- Empirical Evidence from Taipei, Taiwan., ' European Network for Housing Research, European Network for Housing Research.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;鄭韻廷, 2015, '土地課稅的有效性-台北市公有土地標售的觀察, ' 土地學術研討會, 逢甲大學.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;丁秀吟, 2015, '農地改革、產權界定與土地市場, ' 台社論壇 重探台灣戰後農村土地改革 :歷史視野與多元觀照, 中央研究院.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;Cheng, Yun-Ting, 2015, 'Auctioning Public Land- Price Premium and Subsequent Development, ' European Network for Housing Research, European Network for Housing Research.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;Ko, Chung-Ning, 2015, 'Commercialization and Politicalization of Industrial Land- A Case Study of Taiwanese Manufacturers in Dongguan, China., ' Land and Real Estate Dynamics: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on China and India’s Urbanization., French Institute of Pondicherry, India..(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;Huang, Fang-Hsin, 2014, 'Measuring the Outcomes of Anticommons in Land Development, ' European Real Estate Society 21st Annual Conference, European Real Estate Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;Tseng, Yu-Hsuan, 2014, 'Assembling Sites for High Street Offices and Shops, ' European Real Estate Society 21st Annual Conference, European Real Estate Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;黃方欣, 2013, 'Land Fragmentation and Tragedy of the Anticommons- Some Empirical Evidence, ' European Real Estate Society Annual Conference, European Real Estate Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;Fang-Hsin Huang, 2013, 'Is the Tragedy of Anticommons Real? – Some Empirical Evidence from Taipei, ' Symposium on Institutions of Land Rights and Sustainable Asian Urbanization, National University of Singapore.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2012.11, 'Lin, Tzu-Chin (2012) Contaminated Land in Taiwan: A Valuation Perspective, ' Pan Pacific Congress of Real Estate, Appraisers, Valuers and Counsellors, Pan Pacific Congress of Real Estate, Appraisers, Valuers and Counsellors.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;蔡友翔, 2012.06, 'The Determinants of Redeveloping Sites in a City- the Taipei Experience, ' European Real Estate Society Annual Congress, European Real Estate Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;張菀玲, 2012.06, 'Did Governments Sell Public Land too Cheap? A Retrospective Perspective, ' European Real Estate Society Annual Congress, European Real Estate Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2011.06, 'Economic Life of Buildings in a Large City, ' European Real Estate Society Annual Conference, European Real Estate Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;陳國華, 2011.06, 'Can Policy Stimulants Increase Housing Supply in Run-down Areas?, ' European Real Estate Society Annual Conference, European Real Estate Society.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅雅慧*;林子欽, 2010.12, '差別稅率財產稅之實施-芬蘭與臺灣經驗, ' 住宅學會年會, 住宅學會研討會.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2010.12, 'The Death and Life of Buildings in Taipei- How This City Grows. France-Taiwan Bilateral Conference on Globalization and Urban Dynamics in Asia: Taiwanese and French Perspectives, ' France-Taiwan Bilateral Conference on Globalization and Urban Dynamics in Asia: Taiwanese and French Perspectives, National Taiwan University.(*為通訊作者)
- 羅雅慧*;林子欽, 2010.12, '以差別稅率財產稅檢視臺灣土地與建物的課稅制度, ' 第九屆北商學術論壇-當前財政問題研討會, 國立臺北商業技術學院.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2010.11, '臺灣的地價稅與房屋稅-理論與實踐的對照, ' 臺北市政府財政局地方財政研討會, 臺北市政府財政局.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;陳國華, 2010.09, 'The Demolition and Construction of Buildings in Taipei City with a Spatial Perspective, ' 第二十九屆測量及空間資訊研討會, 臺北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2010.09, 'The Gap between Theory and Practice- The Split-rate Property Tax in Taiwan, ' International Symposium on Land-related Taxation and Fees: International Experiences and Implications for China’s Reforms, Peking University - Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy.(*為通訊作者)
- 林雅瑩;林子欽, 2010, '大廈住宅樓層別效用比之估算- 兼論屋齡對於樓層別效用比之影響, ' 住宅學會第19屆年會.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2010, 'Tearing Down Buildings in a City Hungry for Land, ' Pacific Rim Real Estate Society 16th Annual Conference. Ref.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2010, 'Valuation of a Condominium Site in Multi-ownership, ' Pacific Rim Real Estate Society 16th Annual Conference.
- 李汪穎;林子欽, 2009, '公寓住宅不動產折舊估算─空間區位效果之考量, ' 2009年全國土地管理與開發學術研討會.
- 陳怡均;林子欽, 2008, '論土地徵收時之合理補償—台灣與美國加州之經驗, ' 2008全國土地研究學術研討會.
- 黃威翔;林子欽, 2008, '都市化影響下之農地價格-以宜蘭縣為個案, ' 國土規劃論壇會議.
- 林子欽, 2008, '臺灣近年的農地價格與農地交易-統計資料的分析, ' 土地經濟學會年會.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin;Kwo-Hwa Chen, 2008, 'Can Land Value be Extracted from the Total Property Price- Some Empirical Evidence, ' European Real Estate Society Annual Conference.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2008, 'The Farmland Prices at the Urban Fringe- Some Empirical Evidence, ' European Real Estate Society Annual Conference.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin;Roach, Stephen, 2008, 'The Materialization of Protection of Property Rights through Just Compensation- Experiences from Taiwan and California, ' 24th Pan Pacific Congress of Real Estate, Appraisers, Valuers and Counsellors..
- 林子欽*, 2007.12, 'Detecting and Explaining Property Valuation Inequity in an Urban Context- The Case of Taipei City, ' 2007 Taipei Conference on Regional and Urban Economics, The Research Center for Taiwan Development, National Taipei University.(*為通訊作者)
- 柯光峻;林子欽, 2007, '解開法拍屋價格的迷思?, ' 2007年全國土地管理與開發學術研討會.
- 林子雅;林子欽, 2007, '公部門地價查估公平性之衡量, ' 2007年全國土地管理與開發學術研討會.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin;Ko, Gown-Gin, 2007, 'Do Investors Actually Gain from a Lower Auction Price for Foreclosed Properties?, ' European Real Estate Society Annual Conference.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2007, 'Protection of Property Rights through Compensation- Observations from Taiwan, ' FIG Commission 9 Seminar on Compulsory Purchase and Compensation.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2006, 'Housing Price Regression Model in the Context of Sales Comparison Approach, ' Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin;Lin, Chi-Mei, 2006, 'Assessing Land and Structure Values in a Mass-appraisal Framework. Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference, ' Pacific Rim Real Estate Society Conference.
- 陳韋智;林子欽, 2006, '台北市住宅不動產折舊的變化-以時間空間及產品型態探討, ' 2006年全國災害危機處理學術研討會.
- 詹旻華;林子欽, 2006, '自房地價格分離土地價值之方法, ' 2006年全國災害危機處理學術研討會.
- 陳振惟;林子欽, 2006, '從國外經驗探討台灣受汙染不動產之估價, ' 2006年全國災害危機處理學術研討會.
- Tzu-Chin Lin, 2006, 'Calculation of Depreciation for Residential Properties- Scientific Discovery or Rule of Thumb, ' 23nd Pan Pacific Congress of Real Estate, Appraisers, Valuers and Counsellors.
- Tzu-Chin Lin, 2006, 'Extraction of Land Value from Property Price- Can We Separate the Inseparable, ' 1st Congress of World Association of Valuation Organisations.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2005, 'Estimation of Depreciation Path for Residential Properties, ' European Real Estate Society Annual Conference..
- Lin, Chi-Mei;Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2005, 'Applications of Geographical Information System to Measuring Property Tax Inequity., ' European Real Estate Society Annual Conference...
- 張小燕;林子欽, 2005, '從行為觀點檢視不動產估價中的市場比較法, ' 第三屆土地研究學術研討會.
- 廖英志;林子欽, 2005, '最近鄰似法在不動產估價上的應用, ' 第三屆土地研究學術研討會.
- 林子欽;張小燕, 2005, '不動產估價是專業嗎-美國經驗的反思, ' 中國土地經濟學會與土地估價學會聯合年會暨「國土資源規劃與管理」研討會論文集. Ref.
- Lin, Chi-Mei;Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2005, 'Performance of Property Assessment where Land and Improvements are Separately Assessed- the Experience of Taipei City, ' David C. Lincoln Fellowship Symposium, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy..
- 陳盈真;林子欽, 2004, '土地徵收補償中的估價問題-由行政法院裁判檢視, ' 2004年全國災害危機處理學術研討會.
- 張凱博;林子欽, 2004, '住宅不動產折舊之涵義與估算-以台北市為例, ' 2004年全國災害危機處理學術研討會.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin;Lin, Sen-Tyan, 2004, 'The Protection of Property Rights for Land to be Taken, ' Milan, Italy..
- Lin, Tzu-Chin;Chiang, Hun-Chin, 2004, 'Incorporation of Geographic Information System to Sales Comparison Approach, ' 22nd Pan Pacific Congress of Real Estate, Appraisers, Valuers and Counsellors..
- Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2002, 'Real Property Prices in Taiwan – Current State and Future Prospects, ' 21st Pan Pacific Congress of Real Estate, Appraisers, Valuers and Counsellors..
- 林子欽;許明芳, 2002, '不動產開發中的土地取得─市地重劃區個案觀察, ' 住宅學會論文研討會.
- 林子欽, 2001, '抵費地價格決定因素的探討, ' 台灣土地研究學術會議.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin, 2001, 'Land Assembly in a Fragmented Land Market through Land Reallocation., ' European Real Estate Society Annual Conference.
- 林紀玫;林子欽, 2001, '土地徵收課題的再思考-由台灣及英國近來的修法談起, ' 二OO一年海峽兩岸土地學術研討會.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin;Evans, Alan W., 2000, 'An Empirical Test of the Relationship between the Price of Land and Size of Plot, ' Annual Meeting of American Real Estate Society.
- 林子欽, 2000, '市地重劃過程中的土地移轉-時間、面積及區位, ' 地政學術研討會.
- Lin, Tzu-Chin, 1998, 'Landowners‘ Decision-Making in the Face of Compulsory Purchase, ' Joint Conference of European Real Estate Society and American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association.
Book Edited
- Lin, Tzu-Chin, 1999, 'Empirical and Theoretical Aspects of Land Supply. PhD Thesis. Faculty of Urban and Regional Studies, '.
Book Chapters
- 林子欽*, 2023.05, '地政教育與學術發展, ' 林子欽 (2023) 地政教育與學術發展,收錄於吳容明、地政科學之實踐與展望:慶祝政治大學地政學系在臺復系六十周年專書, 惠文設計印刷有限公司, pp.3-15.(*為通訊作者)
- Lin, Tzu-Chin*;Wu, Wen-Chieh, 2021.12, 'Implementation of a Split-Rate Property Tax in Taiwan, ' Property Tax in Asia- Policy and Practice, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, pp.425-444.(*為通訊作者)
- Tsai, Yu-Hsin;Lin, Tzu-Chin Lin;Lin, Shih-Yuan;van Gasselt, Stephan*;Chen, Chia-Lin;Hsu, Chia-Hsin, 2019.06, 'The Effects of Green Energy Production on Farmland: A Case Study in Yunlin County, Taiwan, ' Land Use, IntechOpen, pp.1-10.(*為通訊作者)
- Lin, Tzu-Chin*;Ding, Hsiu-Yin, 2019.05, 'Developer Obligations in Relation to Land Vlaue Capture in Taiwan, ' Routledge Research in Planning and Urban Design, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group., pp.185-193.(*為通訊作者)
- Lin, Tzu-Chin*;Ding, Hsiu-Yin*, 2018.06, 'Urban Land Readjustment in Taiwan, ' Land Readjustment- Solving Urban Problems through Innovative Approach, Japan Int. Cooperation Agency Research Institute., pp.175-179.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2014.09, 'Land Development and Urban Growth in a Booming Property Market: The Taipei Experience, ' Globalization and New Intra-Urban Dynamics in Asian Cities, National Taiwan University Press, pp.241-264.(*為通訊作者)
Research Report
- 林子欽*, 2017.08, '臺北市違章建築興建與存續的決定因素, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2016.08, '臺北市不動產課稅估價成效的再檢視-兼論財產稅制改變的可能衝擊, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2015, '臺北市住宅基地面積之變動趨勢與決定因素, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2014, '生產要素的超額利潤-以臺北市的土地開發為例, ' 國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*;丁秀吟*, 2013.12, '農地資源分布現況與農地政策調整之研究, ' 行政院農業委員會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*, 2013, '土地產權複雜度對於土地整合與土地開發的影響, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*;丁秀吟*, 2012.12, '農地資源分析與農地政策調整之研究, ' 行政院農業委員會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*;丁秀吟*, 2011.12, '農業用地相關統計資料研析計畫, ' 行政院農業委員會.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2011, '建物經濟壽命、土地再開發與都市成長, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽*, 2011, '不動產估價成本法中重要觀念的討論與實證, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
- 林子欽, 2010, '英荷優良農地保護利用與作法之研究, ' 行政院農業委員會. Ref.
- 林子欽*, 2009, '土地價格與建物價格之拆算-並論估價公平性之衡量, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽, 2008, '農地交易與農舍興建趨勢對農地利用之影響研究, ' 行政院農業委員會.
- 林子欽, 2007, '農地移轉價格對農地所有權流通與農地利用影響之研究, ' 行政院農業委員會.
- 林子欽*, 2007, '沉入成本, 定錨現象與法拍屋價格, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽*, 2006, '不動產估價成本法中的折舊估算, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽, 2006, '農地移轉及地價之調查與分析, ' 行政院農業委員會.
- 林子欽*, 2005, '不動產估價中的市場比較法—客觀邏輯亦或主觀判斷, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者)
- 林子欽, 2004, '由估價觀點思考財產稅的公平性, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.
- 林子欽, 2003, '土地徵收之補償數額-估價觀點的探討, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.
- 林子欽, 2002, '抵費地與標售地價格之探討-土地條件、交易時間與購地者特徵, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.
- 林子欽, 2001, '公辦市地重劃中土地移轉情形之研究, ' 行政院國家科學委員會.
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 113
- 113年度促進農地資源活化利用及強化優良農地保護措施
- 2024-07~2024-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 112
- 實體風險專案建置
- 2023-09~2024-08
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 112
- 112年度促進農地資源活化利用及強化優良農地保護措施
- 2023-07~2024-03
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 112
- 「112年強化農地資源決策評估及永續利用」之農地產權複雜度衡量與農地資源決策評估機制之建立
- 2023-05~2023-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 111
- 不動產及相關服務業經營概況調查精進案
- 2022-10~2023-03
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 111
- 111年度建置以資科科學為基礎之社會政策治理機制委外服務計畫
- 2022-07~2023-03
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 111
- 111年度「建立農地資源決策評估永續利用」項下農地產權複雜度衡量與農地政策評估機制之建立
- Principal Investigator
- 2022-04~2022-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 110
- 110年度建置以資料科學為基礎之社會政策治理機制委外服務計畫
- 2021-09~2022-07
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 110
- 住宅議題研究合作平台計畫(一)
- Principal Investigator
- 2021-09~2022-03
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 110
- 110年強化租屋市場資訊透明案
- Principal Investigator
- 2021-06~2021-11
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 110
- 110年度建立農地資源決策評估永續利用項下農地產權複雜度衡量與農地政策評估機制之建立
- Principal Investigator
- 2021-02~2021-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 104
- 農地及農舍交易價格資料研析
- Principal Investigator
- 2015-10~2015-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 103
- 103年度「農地資源永續利用之研究」之「農地資源利用問題之空間分析及對策研究」
- Principal Investigator
- 2014-01~2014-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 102
- 政大校園使用者空間流動特性之檢視
- 2013-11~2014-04
- National Chengchi University
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 102
- The Impact of Land Rights on Urban Redevelopment
- Principal Investigator
- 2013-10~2016-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 102
- 日本農地統計調查與政策應用分析之研習
- Principal Investigator
- 2013-03~2013-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 102
- 102年度「農地資源永續利用之研究」之「農地資源分布現況與農地政策調整之研究」
- Principal Investigator
- 2013-02~2013-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 101
- 101年度「農地資源永續利用之研究」之「農地資源分析與農地政策調整之研究」科技計畫
- Principal Investigator
- 2012-04~2012-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 100
- 農業用地相關統計資料研析計畫
- Principal Investigator
- 2011-09~2011-12
- Year
- Project Name
- Participator
- Job
- Period
- Subsidized / Entrusted organization
- 99
- 「促進農地資源永續利用與管理之研究」科技計畫項下「英荷優良農地保護利用與作法研究」
- Principal Investigator
- 2010-04~2010-12
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- 102
- 蔣經國基金會研究獎助- The Impacts of Land Rights on Urban Redevelopment
- 蔣經國基金會
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- 94
- David C. Lincoln Fellowship in Land Value Taxation
- Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, USA http://www.lincolninst.edu/
- Year of award
- Name of award
- Awarding unit
- Nation/University
- Department
- Education
- Nation/University
- Department
- Education
- Nation/University
- Department
- Education