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林士淵 教授
職稱 教授
校內分機 51651
類別 專任
研究專長 遙感探測、攝影測量、空間資訊應用
  • J.-R. Kim*;林士淵;T. Singh;R.P. Singh, 2023.08, 'InSAR Time Series Analysis to Evaluate Subsidence Risk of Monumental Chandigarh City (India) and Surroundings, ' IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.61, pp.1-15.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • 林士淵*;藍振維;胡植慶, 2023.07, '遙測估算建物形變及其影響因素評估 - 以臺北市為例, ' 住宅學報, Vol.23, No.1, pp.33-54.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • J.-R. Kim*;林士淵;H. Xiao, 2023.06, 'Remote sensing and data analyses on planetary topography, ' Remote Sensing, Vol.15, No.12, pp.58.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • Dong-Sin Shih;Shang-Shu Shih;Shaohua Marko Hsu;林士淵;Yiching Lin;Chi-Tung Hung;Kai Wang*, 2023.02, 'A Framework for the Sustainable Risk Assessment of In-river Hydraulic Structures: A Case Study of Taiwan’s Daan River, ' Journal of Hydrology, Vol.617, pp.1-16.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • 林士淵*;Shih-Teng Chang;Ching-Fang Lee, 2023.02, 'InSAR-based investigation on spatiotemporal characteristics of river sediment behavior, ' Journal of Hydrology, Vol.617, pp.1-13.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • I-ChunTsai*;Ying-HuiChiang;林士淵, 2022.12, 'Effect of COVID-19 lockdowns on city-center and suburban housing markets: Evidence from Hangzhou, China, ' Journal of Asian Economics, Vol.83, pp.1-15.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 林士淵*, 2022.11, 'Urban hazards caused by ground deformation and building subsidence over fossil lake beds: a study from Taipei City, ' Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, Vol.13, No.1, pp.2890-2910.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • 林美佑;林士淵*, 2022.06, 'ICESat-2於台灣本島地形高程之特性分析, ' 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.27, No.2, pp.61-77.(*為通訊作者)
  • Kim, J.-R.*;林士淵;J.-W., Oh, 2022.01, 'The survey of lava tube distribution in Jeju Island by multi-source data fusion, ' Remote Sensing, Vol.14, No.3, pp.1-23.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • Kim, J.-R.*;林士淵;Singh, R.P.;Lan, C.-W.;Yun, H.-W., 2021.12, 'Underground burning of Jharia Coal Mine (India) and Associated Surface Deformation using InSAR Data, ' International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol.103, pp.1-12.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • Pan, K.-L.*;Teng, H.-J.;林士淵;Cheng, Y.-E., 2021.09, 'An empirical method for decomposing the contributions of land and building values to housing value, ' International Real Estate Review, Vol.24, No.3, pp.385-403.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者)
  • Kim, J.-R.*;Lin, C.-W.;林士淵, 2021.06, 'The use of InSAR phase coherence analyses for the monitoring of aeolian erosion, ' Remote Sensing, Vol.13, No.12, pp.1-24.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • 林士淵*;Lin, C.-W.;Stephan van Gasselt, 2021.02, 'Processing Framework for Landslide Detection Based on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Intensity-Image Analysis, ' Remote Sensing, Vol.13, No.4, pp.1-22.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • Tsai, Y.-L.*;林士淵, 2020.10, 'Big Climate Data Assessment of Viticulture Conditions for Wine Quality Determination, ' OENO One, Vol.54, No.4, pp.699-717.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • 黃姿瑜*;林士淵;吳治達;林俊德, 2020.09, '應用MODIS資料估算稻作之綠水足跡, ' 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.25, No.3, pp.159-179.(*為通訊作者)
  • 吳彥誼*;林士淵;任玄, 2020.06, '合成孔徑雷達干涉產製數值高程模型影響因素評估 - 以季節像對與多視處理為例, ' 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.25, No.2, pp.115-128.(*為通訊作者)
  • 徐士勛*;陳琮仁;林士淵;張金鶚, 2020.03, '高雄氣爆後的房價被市場暴棄了?, ' 經濟論文, Vol.48, No.1, pp.33-68.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • Tsai, Y.-L.*;林士淵;Kim, J.-R.;Choi, Y., 2019.08, 'Analysis of the seasonal velocity difference of the Greenland Russell glacier using multi-sensor data, ' Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, Vol.30, No.4, pp.541-562.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • Yun, H.-W.;Kim, J.-R.;Choi, Y.;林士淵*, 2019.06, 'Analyses of Time Series InSAR Signatures for Land Cover Classification: Case studies over dense forestry areas with L-band SAR images, ' Sensors, Vol.19, No.12, pp.1-18.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • 蔡亞倫*;林士淵;Jung-Rack Kim, 2018.09, '利用偏移偵測法監測格陵蘭Russell冰河之位移, ' 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.23, No.3, pp.173-189.(*為通訊作者)
  • Kim, J.-R.*;林士淵;Yun, H.-W.;Tsai, Y.-L.;Seo, H.-J.;Hong, S.;Choi, Y., 2017.02, 'Investigation of potential volcanic risk from Mt. Baekdu by DInSAR time series analysis and atmospheric correction, ' Remote Sensing, Vol.9, No.2, pp.1-26.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • Lin, Y.-C.*;林士淵;Miller, P.;Tsai, M.-D., 2016.12, 'Improving the quality of interferometric synthetic aperture radar digital elevation models through a segmentation-based coregistration approach, ' Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol.10, No.4, pp.1-12.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • 官大偉;林士淵;鄭夙芬*, 2015.11, '原住民立法委員選舉單一選區劃分可能性初探, ' 選舉研究, Vol.22, No.2, pp.71-108.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • Kim, J.-R.*;林士淵;Hong, S.;Choi, Y.-S.;Yun, H.-W., 2014, 'Ground deformation tracking over Mt. Baekdu: A pre-evaluation of possible magma recharge by D-InSAR analysis, ' KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol.18, No.5, pp.1505-1510.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者)
  • Kim, J.R.*;Schumann, G.;Neal, J. C.;林士淵, 2014, 'Megaflood analysis through channel networks of the Athabasca Valles based on multi-resolution stereo DTMs and 2D hydrodynamic modeling, ' Planetary and Space Science, Vol.99, No.2014, pp.55-69.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 林士淵*;洪連吉, 2014, '乾延遲改正後之雷達差分干涉成果評估, ' 航測及遙測學刊, Vol.19, No.3, pp.195-212.(*為通訊作者)
  • Kim, J.-R.*;林士淵;Choi, T.-S.;Kim, Y.-H., 2013.07, 'Toward generalized planetary stereo analysis scheme - Prototype implementation with multi-resolution Martian stereo imagery, ' Earth, Planets and Space, Vol.65, No.7, pp.799-809.(SCIE)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • Kim, J. R.*;林士淵;Muller, J.-P.;Warner, N. H.;Gupta, S., 2013, 'Multi-resolution digital terrain models and their potential for Mars landing site assessments, ' Planetary and Space Science, Vol.85, No.2013, pp.89-105.(SCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • J.-R. Kim*;林士淵;J.-W. Hong;Y.-H. Kim;J.-G. Park, 2012, 'Implementation of Martian virtual reality environment using very high-resolution stereo topographic data, ' Computer & Geosciences, Vol.44, No.2012, pp.184-195.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • Warner, N.*;Gupta, S.;Kim, J.-R.;Muller, J.-P.;Le Corre, L.;林士淵, 2011, 'Constraints on the origin and evolution of Iani Chaos, Mars, ' Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.116.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • 林士淵*;Jan-Peter Muller;Jon Mills;Pauline Miller, 2010, 'An assessment of surface matching for the automated co-registration of MOLA, HRSC and HiRISE DTMs, ' Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol.294, No.2010, pp.520-533.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • Nicholas Warner*;Sanjeev Gupta;Jung-Rack Kim;林士淵;Jan-Peter Muller, 2010, 'Hesperian equatorial thermokarst lakes in Ares Vallis as evidence for transient warm conditions on Mars, ' Geology, Vol.38, No.1, pp.71-74.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • Warner, N.*;Gupta, S.;林士淵;Kim, J.-R.;Muller, J.-P.;Morley, J., 2010, 'Late Noachian to Hesperian climate change on Mars: Evidence of episodic warming from transient crater lakes near Ares Vallis, ' Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.115.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • Warner, N.*;Gupta, S.;Kim, J.-R.;林士淵;Muller, J.-P., 2010, 'Retreat of a giant cataract in a long-lived (3.7 Ga - 2.6 Ga) martian outflow channel, ' Geology, Vol.38, No.9, pp.791-794.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • Warner, N.*;Gupta, S.*;Muller, J.-P.;Kim, J.-R.;林士淵, 2009, 'A Refined Chronology of Catastrophic Outflow Events in Ares Vallis, Mars, ' Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Vol.288, No.1, pp.58-69.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • 林士淵*;Mills, J.P.;Gosling, P. D., 2008, 'Videogrammetric Monitoring of As-built Membrane Roof Structures, ' Photogrammetric Record, Vol.23, No.122, pp.128-147.(SCI)(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • 袁宇珍;林士淵*, 2023.11, '缺水時期之用水型態時空分析 - 以桃園市與高雄市為例, ' 台灣網際網路研討會(TANET), 國立政治大學.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林玉菁*;林士淵;李璟芳;蘇文瑞;張子瑩;林怡玫, 2023.11, 'LINE聊天機器人自願式地理資訊之事件通報與警戒推播, ' 台灣網際網路研討會(TANET), 國立政治大學.(*為通訊作者)
  • 簡傑;廖峻鋒;林士淵, 2022.12, '基於資料變更擷取架構發展地籍區塊鏈土地變遷事件溯源機制, ' 台灣網際網路研討會(TANET), 國立臺北商業大學.
  • 林士淵*, 2022.07, 'A function design for a power generation corner reflector for SAR analysis, ' IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE GRSS.(EI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 黃薇倫*;廖峻鋒;林士淵;袁銓嶽, 2021.12, '基於區塊鏈技術的地籍變遷資料存證與查詢系統, ' 全國計算機會議(NCS), 東海大學.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林士淵*;Lin, C.-W.;van Gasselt, S., 2021.07, 'Towards monitoring of mountain mass wasting using object-based image analysis using SAR intensity images, ' IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IEEE GRSS.(EI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 袁銓嶽*;廖峻鋒;林士淵, 2020.07, '地籍區塊鏈平台上的土地變遷歷史追蹤機制, ' 第16屆台灣軟體工程研討會, 國立嘉義大學.(*為通訊作者)
  • Tang, S.-M.;Liao, S.-J.;林士淵*, 2012.11, 'Building detection using airborne full-waveform LiDAR data, ' Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Asian Association on Remote Sensing.(*為通訊作者)
  • 楊豐毓;林士淵*;謝嘉聲, 2012.10, 'Implementation of PS-InSAR Technique using multiple SAR data over northern Taiwan, ' International Symposium of Remote Sensing, Korean Society of Remote Sensing.(*為通訊作者)
  • 高佳瑋;林士淵*, 2012.09, '利用Google Earth取得航測地面控制並產製地表模型, ' 測量及空間資訊研討會, 文化大學.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林士淵*;Liao, S.-J., 2011.10, 'Strip adjustment of airborne full-waveform LiDAR, ' Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Asian Association on Remote Sensing.(*為通訊作者)
  • 林士淵*;Kim, J.-R.;Wang, C.-P., 2011.10, 'Preliminary investigation on integrating of data acquired from Maritan surface exploration, ' Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Asian Association on Remote Sensing.(*為通訊作者)
  • Kim, J.-R.;林士淵*;Chang, E.-M.;Lee, I.-H.;Yun, H.-W., 2011.08, 'Land cover analysis with high-resolution multispectral satellite imagery and its application for the CO2 flux estimation, ' ICA-ISPRS Joint Workshops 2011, Simon Fraser University, International Cartographic Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • Kim, J.-R.;林士淵*;Chang, E.-M.;Lee, I.-H.;Yun, H.-W., 2013.09, 'Land cover analysis with high-resolution multispectral satellite imagery and its application for CO2 flux estimations, ' Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development - Approaches for Achieving Sustainable Urban Form in Asian Cities, Springer, pp.381-398.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
  • 林士淵*;陳聖智, 2012, 'Virtual Fort San Domingo in Taiwan: A study on accurate and high level of detail 3D modeling, ' Geospatial Techniques in Urban Planning, Springer, pp.155-184.(*為通訊作者) 參考連結
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